Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday's Food for Thought

"True pluralism on the other hand, is always universal pluralism, (or integral-aperspectival): you start with the commonalities and deep structures that unite human beings--we all suffer, and triumph, laugh and cry, feel pleasure and pain, wonder and remorse; we all have the capacity to form images, symbols, concepts, rules; we all have 208 bones, two kidneys, and one heart; we are all open to a Divine Ground, by whatever name. And then you add all the wonderful differences, surface structures, culturally constructed variants, and so on, that make various groups--and various individuals--all different, special, and unique. But if you start with the differences and the pluralism, and never make it to the universal, then you have only the aprespectival madness, ethnocentric revivals, regressive catastrophes."

Ken Wilber
"One Taste", Page: 184-185

1 comment:

Chandira said...

Ken Wilber has a lot of good things to say. His teacher Adi Da Samraj has also got some great things to say about peace too! is a great website, inspired by Adi Da's teachings, where Ken got a lot of his ideas.